06. The Power of Being Kind with Jen Schwytzer

Jennifer Schwytzer is truly UNBREAKABLE and not only for being amazingly kind (which is her motto in life) but because of the very personal story she shared. The emotions she felt after not being successful in becoming a mom via her IVF journey were heigh
🦸 Some challenges in life change us completely. 01:06
🤯 Going down the road of in vitro fertilization, and cardiac arrest during the grieving process. 02:44
🌊 Grieving process that had to stop, but returned in a huge wave. 06:40
😲 Pandemic underlying Jen’s second loss: growing and maturing through experience. 08:43
🛋️ Dealing with difficult periods while being a therapist to others was so hard. 10:37
⚡ Jen started a business of her own this year: “I want to be a life coach.” 12:13
🏔️ Jen and Adrienne were partners on an Unbreakable retreat and climbed a huge hill in a Spartan race. 13:37
🏆 Having a social worker or therapist as a life coach is a 2 for 1 deal: so many tools in their toolbox. 16:16
❗ Jen can recognize real problems and recommend colleagues for issues that are above what life coaching sessions address. 18:17
😇 Jen’s “KINDfulness” vision is about being kind to yourself so you can be kind to others. 20:07
🚩 What are the signs we are ignoring ourselves and being unkind to ourselves? 21:05
😷 The frustration, irritability, and pandemic that affects us. 22:40
🌸 “In a world where you can be anything, just be kind.” 25:13
🌟 Your first session with Jen is free. 27:20
👉 Connect with Jen: www.kindfulnesscoaching.net
👉Connect with Jennifer at jenniferdawncoaching.com
👉Connect with Adrienne: www.sheleadsmedia.com