June 15, 2021

06. How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed, Part 2 of 2

06. How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed, Part 2 of 2

There is no doubt that leaders are experiencing overwhelm at an alarming rate. This results in ineffective team leadership where leaders are not leading their teams but instead are simply reacting emotionally or with short tempers or in a rush.

Leaders report being overwhelmed at an alarming rate. 01:02

1️⃣  Thinking versus feeling. 03:28

🤩  Name it to tame it. 05:05

🪜  The tool of using a scale from 1 to 10 to assess emotions. 06:07

✍️  Write it down! 07:11

🧠  LBT Trivia Question: How many pieces of information can we hold in our minds at one time? 08:27

2️⃣  The chunking technique. 09:09

🙋 Ask your team about their progress each day. 13:27

3️⃣  Four different ways to prioritize. 13:54

⚖️  Eisenhower Matrix or the urgent importance scale. 15:28

🔤  ABC 123 method. 16:03

🐸  Do we do the quick ones first? versus “Eating the frog” 17:26

🤔  Pick your top three things for the week, month, quarter, year. 19:14

4️⃣  Schedule it in technique. 20:25

💐  Batching work. 23:03

🚩 Leading Better Teams Challenge. 24:55


Dan Siegel, Name It To Tame It YouTube Video



Psychology Today Scale of 1 to 10 Stress Reduction 



UK Study on Stress


Forbes Study of Feeling Overwhelmed https://www.forbes.com/sites/joefolkman/2015/07/23/feeling-overwhelmed-you-are-far-from-alone/?sh=222653ce19a4

LBT Trivia question - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2864034/

Writing it down -  https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/memory-catcher/201710/is-it-better-write-hand-or-computer


Minds hold 3 - 5 pieces of information (This is the trivia question - you have the link above)

Eisenhower Matrix -https://www.eisenhower.me/eisenhower-matrix/ 

ABC123 Method - no reference for this

Michael Hyatt book: Free to Focus, Michael Hyatt


 >> Connect with Leigh Ann: www.better-teams.com

>> Get the Better-Teams model to identify your team’s strengths and greatest opportunities using a common language here: https://better-teams.com/better-teams-model/ 

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