July 6, 2024

The Business Bliss Challenge: Rekindle The Love For Your Business In Just 7 Days | Enjoy the Journey

The Business Bliss Challenge: Rekindle The Love For Your Business In Just 7 Days | Enjoy the Journey

 - Reflect on a recent challenge or setback in your business and identify the lesson or opportunity for growth.

- Share one way you can embrace and enjoy your entrepreneurial journey more fully, even amidst challenges.


Business Bliss Challenge. I'm your host Jennifer Dawn and I am so proud of you for showing up and doing the work to re -ignite your.

passion and purpose in business. Today, we're going to bring it all together and set our intentions for creating sustainable bliss in your entrepreneurial journey. Now, before we dive in, let's just take a quick little moment to recap all the ground that we've covered over the past week. And I truly hope that you're not just listening and then, you know, filing it away somewhere. You're like, that sounds nice, but I'm not actually going to do it or take action. I really, truly hope that every single day,

day. You took this seriously. You took some action and I know that if you took the action by day seven, you are absolutely going to be feeling a whole lot better.

On day one, we talked about how to rediscover your spark. So when you're all feeling burned out and you're disconnected from your business, which super duper sucks, if you need to go back and re -listen to day one, we talk about some actionable strategies to help you start to rediscover that spark. On day two, it was all about simplifying and streamlining your business, right? Simplifying. And when you start to simplify and streamline your business, it's gonna help you to reduce your stress and your

On day three, we talked about money, money, money, and overcoming some of these money blocks and starting to cultivate a mindset of abundance. Day four, it was all about finding your flow, working smarter and not harder. On day five, we talked about the power of aligned action so that we're not just doing, doing, doing without getting the results. And I really encourage you to look at the action that you're taking. And it's like, man, I've been at this for a really long time and I've been doing this for a long time.

and I'm not really getting the result that I'm after here, maybe it's time to like think about that and course correct a little bit and make sure that the action you're taking is actually in alignment with your values, with your vision where you really want to go. And yesterday on day six, we talked about the ripple effect of starting to lead with love and compassion, especially in our teams. And that really applies to both our personal and professional life.

Whew. You guys, that's a lot of powerful insights and strategies. So I want you to just take a minute, like give yourselves a big pat on the back for showing up and doing that inner work to transform your business and your life. And notice that what we're doing is we're starting to do that transformation from the inside out. If you're a client or you've worked with us at any moment in the past, or even if you haven't, it's okay. But you will see that we talk about transformation from the inside out.

In episode one, I talked about taking ownership. Why? Because it starts with us. It starts on the inside. If we want real transformation, we have to start with ourselves and we have to start on the inside. That's really where it comes. You can learn a lot of tactical actions, but if you don't pair it with that emotional wellbeing and your emotional state, it's not going to last. And I know for those of you who have been that, you know that this is true. I'm speaking truth, especially if you've been stuck or struggling.

or in these patterns, sorry, in these repeating patterns that you feel like you just can't break free from. Okay, now as we close out this challenge, I want to emphasize the importance of sustainable long-term bliss.

It's not enough to just have a few good days or weeks in your business. What we want to create is a real foundation here for joy, fulfillment and purpose that can absolutely withstand the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Sustainable bliss is about building habits, mindsets and structures that support our wellbeing and our success for the long haul. We really want to, you know, this is about creating a business and a life that truly

works for you and not against you. So how do we create that kind of sustainable bliss? Here are some strategies that you can apply right now today. And I don't know if you guys have noticed, but every strategy that I share with you is something that you can implement right now today. And it doesn't cost a thing. It doesn't cost a thing. All of this stuff is completely free. So I don't want to hear any excuses about like, you know, this is going to cost me money. this is going to take up my time.

Everything I'm telling you right now will actually help you get more time back in your day. So let's not prioritize making excuses of all the reasons why we can't do this work on ourselves. And instead let's prioritize the things that we already know that we need to be doing for ourselves and they're already in our hearts. Okay. So let's make those, that kind of action be our priorities. And that first part, one of that first priorities of course, is going to be our self care. And from this point forward, I really want to encourage you to make self care non -negotiable. There's so much power in making a decision. And if you've ever found yourself waffling like, I'm going to do it. I'm not going to do it. Like it really is an energy drainer and just that can burn us out. But when we make a decision today, I'm doing it and that's the end of it. And that's it. I'm done. The decision is made. that's really where our power is. And so from today, let's make self care and non -negotiable today. I will do some self care.

Once a coach taught me that when it comes to self care, treat it like a dial. Some days I'm going to have more time and I can dial it up. And some days I don't have as much time. So I need to dial it down. But the key is not to turn that dial completely off. Okay. Make sense. Don't turn the dial off. As we talked about on day six, you can't pour from an empty cup. So we have to make sure that we're taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally so that we can absolutely show up in our best selves for our business. And some days I have more time for self care weekends, I take a lot of time to just really recharge and replenish my batteries on my busier work days. It might be just a, you know, one or two minute transitional meditation. It might be going out for a horse ride or a motorcycle ride, you know, in the middle of the week in the evenings to get recharged. But whatever it is for you, just make that self care today. I want you to decide it's no longer negotiable. It is non -negotiable going forward. From there, you can start to create those

rituals and routines that support your bliss. It's kind of surprising to me. I've had clients before where I've said, Hey, what do you do to get back into your joy to ground yourself? And they say, I don't know, they don't know. And that's sad to me. So it's time to know, right? If you're one of those people who's like, man, I don't really know what I do for myself. That feels really, really good. Maybe it's time to start figuring that out. Okay. And taking some time to try some new hobbies and try some new things or think back to your childhood. Was there something that gave you so much joy. Maybe it's time to bring it back into your life. I grew up riding horses through the desert and there was a period of my life where I didn't have horses in my life and it wasn't a great period. And since since I let's see was probably 26 I guess I got my horse Sunday. I've had horses in my life every day since.

And they bring me bliss my horses bring me bliss and I don't care about the money the money has always been there to support my horse habit because it brings me so much joy and I'm allowed to have that joy I give myself permission to have that joy and I want you to do the same What do you have in your life that brings you just pure and complete joy, right? so important to have that and Also making sure that we are starting our day with gratitude even when I think about like my gratitude practice, I will often think about my horse because his name is hockey. I love him so much. we have another horse, Pia. That's my daughter's horse. And when I think about hockey, my heart just fills. And so it's easy to do my gratitude practice. When I start by thinking about my horse, that puts me in a good place. And then from there, it just sort of goes from there. And my love for my work and my love for my children and my love for my husband and all those things. And it can be a really beautiful practice to end the day and the work week with a gratitude session. And I really encourage you to bring as much gratitude into your day as you possibly can. The most important lesson here is just to find what works for you and then make it a very consistent part of your schedule. You can time block it if you need to and then reward yourself, right? Reward yourself when you do it because it feels really good to link good emotions with those new habits and a reminder. Make sure that you are also surrounding yourself with a supportive community.

Running a business can be isolating. It can be such a lonely, lonely thing. So it's important to have a network of people who you who get it right? Who get it? We're business owners, you guys like not everybody gets it. If you're not a business owner, you don't get it. You might think you do, but you don't. It's like parents giving parenting advice when you don't have kids. You don't get it. Okay. But when you're around people who do get it, we can offer each other encouragement, accountability, and inspiration.

And all that loneliness just goes away because you know you're not in it all by yourself. You can seek out mastermind groups, coaches, business besties, all these people who can uplift and be your champion. If you're like, Jennifer, I don't know where to go, or maybe you've joined some of these communities and they were not the nicest places. I get it. I have been in some communities of entrepreneurs that was really all about ego. I've been in communities of women that were a lot of mean girls in there and for those of you who have experienced this you know what I'm talking about. I don't want to be part of that. I want to be in a community of nice girls and nice boys nice boys and nice girls who really and truly are genuine and authentic and I assure you that they are out there. If you're like hey Jen where do I go? Well come join me. I have a mastermind group we meet we meet virtually once a month and we do two to three workshops retreats every year.

So we're meeting face to face two to three times a year and then we're meeting virtually once a month and it is a beautiful amazing community of supported nice Entrepreneurs who get it and we all support and encourage each other We also do our retreats and you don't even have to be in the mastermind. You can come to our retreats We of course offer private coaching as well and for our private coaching clients. They are of course invited to our retreats Here's the thing about our retreats You do need to be vetted before you come to a retreat because if you're gonna bring your drama.

You're not welcome. We create beautiful retreats that are so transformative. We have hundreds of testimonials. They are beautiful experiences. I love them so much and I don't want my retreat ruined by drama. So if you've been on a retreat and it was a lot of drama, don't throw retreats out the window. They can be so beneficial and so transformative. You just got to come to the right retreat. Okay. The right retreat. So join a mastermind, sign up for private coaching, come to a retreat. You can actually absolutely seek out these things and bring them into your life. One of the best testimonials that I ever got from a client was if you're ready to grow your business with your best friend by your side, you're ready for Jennifer Dawn coaching. It was one of the best testimonials that I ever got. I take it so very, very seriously and I really do feel like I am in it. I'm partnering and my team feels this way too, that we are partnering with our clients to take them and their business to the next level and we want to do it and have fun and be by your side. We want it to feel like you have your best friend by your side. So it means a lot to us, you guys. It really and truly does. So if you're like, Hey Jennifer, I want to talk to you guys a little bit more, head over to jenniferdoncoaching .com. You'll see a big button that says schedule a call. This is not a high pressure sales call and fight. In fact, you might find it's the most beautiful, authentic, genuine, discovery call that you've ever had in your life. And if we can help you, we will.

If we can't, we will point you in the right direction.

Finally, remember happiness is a state of mind. It's not a destination. It's not when this happens, then I'll be happy. Okay. Be happy now. That's why this podcast is called happy productive because it's really and truly about being happy today. And when you set your intention and you make a decision that today I will choose happiness, you will be attracting more success and money and love and flow and all those things to you. There's always going to be challenges. You guys, there's always going to be tough days. That is just part of it - of this journey. It's part of being a business owner. But when you have a strong foundation of self -awareness, self -care, and support from amazing people around you, you can navigate all of those bumps in the road with more resilience and grace. Your final action step for this challenge is to create a business -plus vision. I want you to just take a few minutes, all right? Take a big, deep breath.

You can do it. Everybody do it with me. Big deep breath in, big deep breath out. I want you to just close your eyes for a moment and just imagine, what does your business and life look like when you're in full alignment, when you're in flow, when you're in joy? What does it feel like? What are you doing? Who are you serving?

Okay, then open your eyes and write down that vision. If you're driving, pull over, write down that vision and make it as vivid and specific as possible. It doesn't have to be fancy at all. Just write it down on a napkin, write it down on whatever you have handy. Make your vision your North Star, your guiding light for making decisions and taking action in your business.

Wow, you guys, what an incredible journey this has been. I'm so grateful to have had you along for the ride and I hope you're leaving this challenge with a renewed sense of passion, purpose and possibility for your business. Remember, bliss is your birthright. You deserve to do work that lights you up with people who appreciate and support you and in a way that feels aligned and authentic to who you really and truly are. So keep coming back to the strategies and the insights that we've explored this week. Keep prioritizing your happiness, your alignment and your growth. And most importantly, keep shining your unique, your unique light in this world. We need it. And when you do, everyone around you benefits. Thank you so much, you guys, from the bottom of my heart for being part of this community, for listening to my podcast and for doing the work to create more bliss in your business and beyond. I believe in you. I do. I believe in you. And I can't wait to see where your blissful business takes you next. If you have a business owner friend who could benefit from the challenge, please just share our information. They can go to applestandbook .com. They can opt in. They can get some amazing resources. They can get access to all these podcasts and some other things in their email inbox. We're going to deliver it right to their email inbox. Until next time, you guys keep choosing joy, keep embracing your purpose and keeping the amazing, passionate, wonderful, genuine, unique entrepreneurs that we are. Here's to your bliss and here's to you.