Feb. 7, 2023

Ep. 5: How do you know you're ready for the next chapter of your career with Shannon Russell

Ep. 5: How do you know you're ready for the next chapter of your career with Shannon Russell

Are you ready for the next chapter of your career? Life is short, and now may be just the right moment to explore a new professional journey! 

If you find yourself asking "What's next?" and wanting to take your career or life in a new direction, then don't miss Shannon Russell's episode talking about Second Act Success! Step into the unknown confidently - this could be just what you need.

Knowing when to make a change in work or life can be tricky, but Shannon shares some helpful tips: stay open-minded and don't let convention stand in the way; pay attention to your instincts - if something doesn’t feel right it probably isn't! It's also important you assess the risks associated with making such changes before taking action. Lastly, take comfort that while uncertainty is intimidating at first – more often than not – embracing new opportunities leads to positive developments down the line.

00:00 Interview with Shannon Russell

00:58 The Second Act Success

06:36 Knowing when to make a change

08:37 Focus on Why

14:23 Learn for your customers

17:27 Building community to support each other

21:37 Advice from Shannon

Links mentioned in this episode:


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