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What is Sugar Coated Entrepreneurship?

Deep diving into the meaning of my business in this era 2:40
Transforming She Leads Media events to alternative reality 4:26
The best conference I attended was on Zoom call 6:33
Moderating space so everybody can see as one and be as one even if it is a Zoom 10:05
Sharing conversation with “my people” in small Zoom room 12:44
Learning from participants via questionnaire 13:54
Absorbing the phenomenon of 100 people sharing ideas in a Google doc 14:25
People moderate themselves in a truly collaborative space 14:42
A great recipe for creating conference: Bringing shared elements and tapping to emotions 18:27
Sugar Coated podcast being more genuine and authentic 20:19
Send me your questions and ideas and get in touch with me Adrienne@sheleadsmedia.com 21:35
Cool ladies and their podcasts on She Leads Podcasts network: link 23:15https://sheleads.podcastnetwork.io/