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Practical, Evergreen PR Advice for Thought Leaders and Businesses with Annie Scranton, Pace PR

Meet Annie Scranton: Founder & President of Pace Public Relations & Former TV producer  2.58
An Email that changed the course of her life 5.53
A secret for growing your network 8.27
Want to be a successful entrepreneur? Love what you do! 11:36
How to get noticed by traditional media? 12:11
Gain insight into your uniqueness - Just ask others what they think! 15:23
Use comparative analysis! 16:30
COVID entrepreneur challenges: Is it smart to put yourself out there now? 18:56
Do your research. 20:22
Don't randomly pitch yourself to journalists by email - build relationships. 21:42
  How a PR can help in pandemic times? 24:53
  Think about the specific trends that pertain to your industry. 28:39
  Way to start: Power of Social Media. 31:11
  Podcasts are a splendid way to gain visibility. 33:13
  I can get you on TV: https://www.pacepublicrelations.com/ 38:49
