πŸ‘  Welcome, Jennifer. 1:55

πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘΄πŸ¦³ Growing up and spending summers with her grandparents around their chiropractic offices tickled her entrepreneurship ideas out.Β  3:19

🍎 When Jennifer was eight, she turned her idea into money. 4:48

😎 She worked all the way through her high school and started her software company at 23. 5:46

🀩 After the 2008 crisis, Jennifer wanted to work in a corporate, but soon after, she started leading a National Network of Women Entrepreneurs 8:15

πŸ’» Jennifer lost her momentum in college because of a loss in a family but figured it all out very fast and started a software company with 23. 11:59

🌟 Starting your own business just because you don’t like your job is not a smart idea. There are many options out there. 18:03

πŸ’Ž There is a noticeable shift in SheEconomy and Jennifer strongly decides to show up the best with things she has control of.Β  21:30

🌞 Getting clarity about yourself is the path for changes. Winning is done in the trenches. 24:50

🧠 Your mind is your most powerful asset, be careful what you are feeding it with. 25:49

πŸ’œ When you're putting your message out to the world, have that message come from a higher place. Love, not fear. 31:12

πŸ€‘ When COVID hit coaching businesses, Jennifer coached her clients 3 months for free and clients now have record profits. 32:36

πŸ˜‰ In times of crisis, everything is about your mindset. 34:01

πŸ’« Losing revenue and getting it back via a combination of shifting and double downing. 36:43

πŸ˜‡ Jennifer is a genuine person with so much positivity and optimism. 38:34

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