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June 30, 2023

86. Unveiling the Mindset Secrets to Business Success: In-Depth Discussion with Dorothy Illson, Digital Marketing and Data Expert

A positive mindset is the most important part of a successful business. Dorothy Illson is a digital marketing and data expert who shares her journey through finding her self-worth and accepting her success. The number one most important aspect of running a business is being able to have a positive mindset and truly believing you are worthy of success. In order to properly manage a business, you need to reflect on spendings and data, and these superficial problems will be impossible to tackle without the right mindset. Data tells the story of your business and offers insight, and we need to step back and analyze it with a logical business mindset, rather than an emotional reaction that is driven by negativity. Take some time to self-reflect, and find the positive mindset that you need to drive your business forward with success!

🌸 Dorothy is the founder of Needle's Eye Media and co-founder of The Gig. 02:12
💪 Do what needs to be done to move forward while building that muscle of resilience: Dorothy chose to freelance because it gives autonomy, flexibility, and remote work. 04:47
✅ Changes in the market don't tend to hit all market sectors equally: freelance is great in those situations because you don't have to change what you do, just who you do it for. 08:50
🎯 Approach conversations in business from the standpoint of problem-solving and value exchange: the biggest mindset hurdle that Dorothy fell into was feeling like she didn't deserve the success. 10:35
😓 You can make more money than you can imagine and still be in debt: you can have so much confidence in what you do, the services you provide, but have no confidence in yourself as a person. 17:40
❤️ If you strip away everything you do for other people and work, who are you?: all of that could go away tomorrow, but you would still have value to offer to the world. 20:23
🪞 Close friends can help you define who you are & journaling and reflecting can help you think about who you want to be. 23:14
📊 Data-driven businesses should not be led on emotions: the numbers tell you what to do - you can read the story that data tell you. 27:49
😎 Once you know where your leaks are in the funnel, you can work to plug those leaks: take a step back to approach things from more of a business mind and a logical perspective. 30:11
📧 Needle's Eye Media focuses primarily on digital product businesses and does a lot of webinar funnels: The Gig is an email newsletter that teaches you how to find clients, work with clients, work for yourself, and build a successful freelancing business. 34:05
🌷 Subscribe to The Gig to get The high-income skills guide. 36:55

Connect with Dorothy: www.linkedin.com/in/dorothyillson

Website: needleseyemedia.com

Connect with Adrienne: www.sheleadsmedia.com

Listen to podcasts for women, by women on the She Leads Podcast Network: www.sheleadspodcasts.com.


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