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Nov. 20, 2020

28. The Unspoken Realty of Women NOT Helping Women

Should we hold women accountable in the same way we hold men accountable for discouraging and hurtful behaviors toward other women? Why is this reality a taboo topic? Today’s guest is Antonia Hock - the Global Head of the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center

🔥 Adrienne boldly reached out to Antonia after reading her Swaay article about women who do not support other women. 1:03
🧱 Antonia is an Experience Collector. Her choices in life and career were centered around having incredible experiences and building something new. 2:46
📣 We need to talk about hypocrisy: Women are being disloyal to other women, but it’s not often spoken about. 9:07
😡 What to do when you experience a ‘mean girl from highschool’ comment? 10:54
☝️ Having systemic support and practicing diplomatic responses to inappropriate comments at work is essential. 14:52
🤯 The reactions to Antonia’s article were huge, but all reactions were sent in private messages, as this is still taboo. 16:58
🙈 Women focus on talking about men holding them down, but do not apply the same standard to other women. 21:06 
😇 Concept of kindness and custodianship vs the concept of the power of a pronoun.  25:11
⚖️ These days leaders have to be able to adapt to new concepts: bias for action, and balance towards thoughtfulness. 28:07
👱‍♀️ Learn from the youth, open up your social circle and let people inspire you by who they are. 32:52

🔗 Connect with Antonia:


Read “Women Against Women: The Workplace Discrimination You Need to Know About” here:


Register for She Leads 2020 LIVE ONLINE - December 8th - to hear from more incredible women like Antonia:  https://hopin.com/events/she-leads-2020-online

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