April 11, 2020

06. Sugar Coated Entreprenuership

How to adopt your business to new times and new challenges on our plates? Using the existing technology but layered in an experience is a good recipe for a great conference. She Leads Media looking through the eyes of participant and organizers and share

Deep diving into the meaning of my business in this era 2:40
Transforming She Leads Media events to alternative reality 4:26
The best conference I attended was on Zoom call 6:33
Moderating space so everybody can see as one and be as one even if it is a Zoom 10:05
Sharing conversation with “my people” in small Zoom room 12:44
Learning from participants via questionnaire 13:54
Absorbing the phenomenon of 100 people sharing ideas in a Google doc 14:25
People moderate themselves in a truly collaborative space 14:42
A great recipe for creating conference: Bringing shared elements and tapping to emotions 18:27
Sugar Coated podcast being more genuine and authentic 20:19
Send me your questions and ideas and get in touch with me Adrienne@sheleadsmedia.com 21:35
Cool ladies and their podcasts on She Leads Podcasts network: link 23:15https://sheleads.podcastnetwork.io/  

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